Introducing enclosed: Simplified Compartmentalization and VM Management
Julian Stecklina

Introducing enclosed: Simplified Compartmentalization and VM Management

Management and secure configuration of virtual machines can be as daunting as navigating a labyrinth. Our powerful tool 'enclosed' effortlessly transforms the complex task of compartmentalizing and managing VMs into an intuitive and streamlined process. Overcome the intricacies of low-level tools and use a higher level of abstraction with 'enclosed'. Learn how to shield your virtual environments with unmatched ease and security in this article.

The case for legacy software
Florian Pester

The case for legacy software

Physical Infrastructure in the real-world has a much longer lifetime than software systems. This presents a number of challenges to operators: Hardware components fail at some point while spare parts are no longer available and need to be replaced by modern alternatives. Old software lacks support for modern components and a major software upgrade is required for continuing operation. Learn how this gap can be mediated and what can be done to solve this issue long-term.

Student Thesis: A Policy-Free System-Call Layer for the Hedron Microhypervisor
Philipp Schuster

Student Thesis: A Policy-Free System-Call Layer for the Hedron Microhypervisor

The thesis presents modifications to Hedron and an associated runtime system. Together, these components enable the concurrent execution of Hedron-native applications and unmodified foreign applications using Linux programs as an example. This allows to reuse the established toolchains and developing new software for Hedron with them. Furthermore, Linux programs are supported that contain additionally Hedron-native system calls. I call them hybrid applications. This mechanism enables to communicate directly with interfaces of Hedron's runtime environment from foreign applications.

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